May 4, 2020

California Community Resilience Hubs

Tags: Climate  |  Energy Equity

Research Project

PSE Healthy Energy is working with the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) and Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) to identify opportunities to build solar+energy storage resilience hubs at schools and community centers across California. PSE is identifying sites statewide; evaluating the design parameters needed to meet critical electric loads in the event of earthquakes, wildfires, public safety power shutoffs, or other disaster-induced electricity outages; and analyzing demographic and vulnerability metrics for populations in proximity to these sites to inform deployment scenarios and priorities.

At the community level, APEN and CBE are working closely with environmental justice communities in Richmond and Wilmington to identify specific school and community center sites, develop community engagement strategies, and incorporate community-specific needs and priorities into project designs. These community findings will help inform PSE’s statewide analysis, enabling us to provide grounded recommendations for the development of resilient solar+storage systems at schools and community sites statewide. This project will provide a framework for State climate mitigation and adaptation efforts to advance clean energy, promote public health benefits, reflect community needs, and equitably provide resilience for communities throughout California.

The community resilience hubs project is supported by California Strategic Growth Council’s Climate Change Research Program with funds from California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environmentparticularly in disadvantaged communities.

Analysis and Data Tools

Candidate Resilience Hub Mapping Tool

The Candidate Resilience Hub Mapping Tool (beta) allows users to explore opportunities for resilience hubs in communities throughout California.

Public Safety Power Shutoff Mapping Tool

The Public Safety Power Shutoff Map displays the frequency and duration of Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) outages in California by aggregating and visualizing data from the State’s six investor-owned utilities. This data is paired with selected economic, demographic, and climate vulnerability information for each census tract.

Preventing Wildfires with Power Outages

From 2013-2020, California utilities reported cutting power to more than 3.2 million customers. This 2021 blog provides analysis on insight trends in Public Safety Power Shutoffs, including when, where, and how often will they occur.

Mapping Public Safety Power Shutoffs

This 2023 blog discusses insights from the Public Safety Power Shutoff Map.

As Temperatures Soar, Access to Cooling Becomes Environmental Justice Concern

This 2022 blog explores how power outages compound public health risks and how community resilience hubs can help address these challenges.

Designing Solar and Storage for Community Resilience Hubs

This 2022 analysis provides insight into design trade-offs and considerations for designing solar and storage systems for community resilience hubs. 


Contact the project team:

  • Elena Krieger at PSE Healthy Energy (
  • Shina Robinson at Asian Pacific Environmental Network (
  • Laura Gracia at Communities for a Better Environment (

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